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- From alt.paranet.ufo Thu Nov 23 12:00:04 1995
- Subject: Ufology and the media- plus fresh sightings in UK!
- Date: 22 Nov 1995 17:01:13 GMT
- Dear fellow believers,
- I am a phd student in the United Kingdom working in a journalism
- department at Sheffield University. I am hoping to study the way the
- media cover ufo incidents, and I would be glad of any opinionsthat you
- may have. I would particularly like any newspaper clippings of any
- ufo-related events. My hypothesis is that the media have played a
- crucial role in marginalising ufology as sensational rubbish, completely
- failing in most cases to treat incidents with objectivity and
- sensibility.
- On a more informative note, are visitors to this page (whatever planet
- you are from) aware of the recent (November 1995) sightings in the
- eastern side of the United Kingdom?
- Several witnesses saw a bright, moving disc which appeared to have two
- small cuts in the top and bottom. One observer described it as being
- like the bat-signal. Several national newspapers in the UK covered the
- story and included a photograph taken by one witness. A close up of the
- photo does indeed show a bright yellow disc , a bit like those seen in
- Kaikura, new Zealand in 1978, but with small semi-circular indents at the
- top and bottom. No clear explanation was given as to what it could have
- been-any views?
- From alt.paranet.ufo Mon Nov 27 09:48:39 1995
- Subject: Triangular craft spotted over Phoenix and Colorado Spring, please help
- On november 11, 1995 I looked up in the sky and saw a object almost
- hovering in the sky at 11:45. I took a look at the object with a 60x
- spotting scope. I only looked for a couple of seconds because I
- immediately saw a couple of strange lights and alot of green color on
- this object. I knew this was some kind of strange object and show get
- some video before it disappears. I along with two other witness
- watched this object until 12:30 p.m when it passed over the roof of my
- house and went of a viewing range. It was atleast 3,000 ft in altitude
- and would hover as it revolved in strange patterns, sometimes it would
- stop and hover for a couple of minutes and then it would take off
- moving in various directions. The object had 3 white lights and a
- green color in the center of the object. Or you could say a green
- object with 3 white lights at the corners. I shot video on a SVHS
- camcorder with a ultraviolet filter and switched to a polorizer and
- used a 30x optic zoom. I got around 20 minutes of video of this
- object, we got bord with this sightings as it appeared to be a weather
- ball. Kind of like three balloon tied together. I called the FAA and
- the national weather service and Village Labs and was basically told
- that we don't use weather balloons anymore and use satellites for
- that. Can anyone verify that statement or know anymore about
- weatherballoons. Later I captured some frames from this strange video
- and you can see its a triangular shape with three white lights on it.
- It either a UFO, balloon, or a military craft.
- The reason Iam releasing these pictures before they are positively
- verified is for public cyber help.
- 1. Has anyone seen a object simular to this?
- 2. Can anyone provide simular pictures of weather balloons?
- 3. Does anyone live in Colorado Springs have any video tape of a
- object like this?
- I heard this from a source I consider reliable, does anybody know more
- about this or can you debunk it.
- I heard that last week in Colorado Springs during an airshow which
- they were waiting for the Blue Angels to take off there was a massive
- sightings. A triangular craft showed up and hovered in the sky while
- 33,000 witnesses watched it. It was captured on multiple videocameras
- and should be one the most documented sightings to ever take place.
- From alt.paranet.ufo Mon Dec 4 09:05:48 1995
- From: cgoldman@omnifest.uwm.edu (Charles Goldman)
- Date: 29 Nov 1995 09:28:22 -0600
- The following article is my own, and so was the reasearch which went into
- it. It is copyrighted and cannot be quoted beyond the usual word count
- without my permission. Nor can it be reposted without my permission.
- I would appreciate anyone reading it who has downloaded the pictures of
- trianular craft to e mail me the JPegs or giffs or whatever they are.
- I can't seem to download them from Usenet! I would love to see the ones
- that were posted in the last week. Your cooperation would be gratefully
- appreaciated.
- Here's the article:-
- During the recent UFO flap in South Eastern Wisconsin six videos were
- taken of n
- octurnal lights. Many reports came into the news-desks of the local networks.
- It
- was through them that I was able to make contact with some area residents who
- saw
- strange objects in the evening sky, or video taped them in the night sky. At
- fir
- st everyone was saying how these lights and objects must be the planet Venus.
- Ven
- us was the most prominent light in the evening during February when most of
- the r
- eports came in.
- Due to its prominence it is pretty easy to see why Investigators would
- want desp
- erately to rule out Venus from possible UFO sightings. This was pretty easy to
- do
- because Venus was always to be found in only one specific quadrant of the
- night
- sky and quite obviously a star-like light. However, many of the nocturnal
- lights
- witnessed were either not in the position of any known bright star or planet,
- nor
- did they behave like stars and planets do.
- The lights and objects seen in Wisconsin moved by changing positions,
- strobed in
- strange sequences, shined down beams of light, had higher luminescence than
- star
- s or were revealed on video tape to be objects and not stars or planets at all.
- Also, eye-witness accounts of sightings strongly suggest that several
- differentl
- y shaped craft were operating in SE Wisconsin starting in late December.
- Videos w
- ere shot of moving or hovering unidentified lit-objects in Beaver Dam,
- Hustisford
- , N. Milwaukee, and Ft. Atkinson, WI. Sightings came in from all over SE
- Wisconsi
- n. A triangular object was observed crossing a high-way near Ft. Atkinson,
- WI.,
- and video-taped. The triangular craft (or crafts?) is the one type being
- reported
- which, in the following cases, rules out Venus as a solution to what is being
- se
- en.
- A report of a black triangular craft with lights on it came from
- two W
- aukesha Patrol Officers. It is unclear what went on during the investigation
- of t
- he Waukesha sightings. There was more than this one, but the officers felt
- rebuff
- ed by the investigative team, as was learned from Lt. Marks of the Waukesha
- Poli
- ce. The two officers described what they had observed. Part of their call-in
- was
- also aired on Channel 12 news, which is where I heard it. What they saw was
- ident
- ical to a Cedarburg craft. Waukesha is about 15 miles West of Milwaukee.
- The first report about a triangular craft to surface in our area
- invol
- ved a young man returning home to the suburban community of Cedarburg around 9
- PM
- . Hovering just above a Cedarburg water-tank off Wawatosa and Sherman Av; the
- yo
- ung man, who did not give his name to the police, described a large, black UFO
- wi
- th bright lights at each point . It had a bank of brilliant white lights on
- one s
- ide, nine in all. His phone call was recorded by the Cedarburg Police
- Department
- and part of it was aired on the evening news on 2/4/93. I spoke at length with
- Po
- lice Chief George Rees about the February 1st sighting. His department was
- very c
- oncerned over the sighting. Two of his officers witnessed bright beams of
- light f
- rom the vicinity of the sighting, but made nothing of it until learning of the
- yo
- ung man's report. This object was seen by him from several directions. From
- the E
- ast looking West, from the North looking South, in his rear-view mirror, and
- from
- over his shoulder out of his rear window. The sighting lasted the length of
- his
- ride through Cedarburg, due to the placement of the water tower on the side of
- a
- high hill. In Beaver Dam a young man, out searching for UFOs, was hit by a
- beam
- of bright white light from a 'V' shaped object. This was February 4, 1993.
- This
- report is just now being investigated.
- The fourth sighting of a triangular object took place on Highway 12
- and Star Sch
- ool Road between the towns of Whitewater and Ft. Atkinson, WI. This is the
- most d
- etailed report of a sighting I was able to get. This investigation is
- on-going, s
- ince sightings in their area continue unabated.
- One of the interesting features of the sightings has been
- repeatability. There i
- s a tendency for percipients to obsess on UFOs once they have had a sighting.
- Alm
- ost every person I interviewed in regard to their initial sighting has had
- others
- . In the case of the Ft. Atkinson sighting, there has been five additional
- sighti
- ngs of oddly behaving nocturnal lights.
- Kevin Crump and his Grandmother Betty Barnick own an antique
- dealership in the t
- own of Delevan, WI. They travel home by Hywy 12 most often between the hours
- of 5
- :00 and 7:30 PM on a daily basis. On February 4th 1993, Kevin and Betty were
- retu
- rning home to FT. Atkinson via Route 12 at 5:35 PM. Kevin carries with him in
- his
- car an RCA Camcorder. With it he likes to tape anything that is newsworthy,
- plus
- he makes short, creative videos with his friends. On the way home at about
- 5:30
- they spotted a fire-engine and decided to look for whatever was on fire. Both
- Be
- tty and Kevin were carefully watching for lights or the fire when Kevin
- spotted s
- omething in the sky, from the driver's side window. "We thought at first that
- it
- was a low flying plane. Then all of a sudden it shot out a blue glowing ball
- from
- the tail-end of the craft. It looked like a flame ball from a Roman candle.
- It s
- hot out about two inches, in ground to sky distance, with a trail of twinkling
- li
- ghts. The blue ball just hung in the sky over the old school to our left."
- They p
- ulled off the road to get a better look.
- Kevin then got out his video camera and opened the door while Betty
- decided to s
- tay in the car. Kevin said, "I looked up and saw the ship just about directly
- ov
- erhead. I could see a faint outline of the ship because the moon was above it.
- Th
- e moonlight reflected off the black metallic surface. It was the shape of an
- oblo
- ng triangle with a light at each point. A red and a blue light at the front
- and a
- white light at the back. " An unusual feature of this craft is that it
- traveled
- with the base forward, instead of the point first as with most conventional
- craft
- . Kevin then tried to "film" the UFO but realized that he hadn't attached the
- ba
- ttery pack to the camera. He ran to the back of the car where it was stored,
- retr
- ieved it, attached it and aimed to where the object had been, but it had moved
- of
- f to a considerable distance.
- "It was heading toward Whitewater. I aimed the camera towards the ship
- and start
- ed taping. I filmed the triangular craft first. Then I took a close-up of the
- blu
- e ball that the ship shot out." Kevin and Betty then started to drive off when
- Be
- tty yelled, "Pull over, it's turning around!" Kevin quickly turned onto Star
- Sch
- ool Road and headed East a short distance. He went passed a farm and over a
- hill
- to a clearing on a curve. He pulled off the road. "There it was in the sky,
- and i
- t was not alone. There was another bright light below it above the trees. It
- was
- a tremendous bright light, brighter than any star or planet in the sky. There
- was
- a flashing light way up high. At first I thought it was a plane, there were
- plan
- es in the area at this time. But I realized that it might be the blue ball
- that s
- hot out of the ship." Kevin and Betty then left this location at Betty's
- insisten
- ce and drove into Ft. Atkinson. There, Betty needed to buy groceries and the
- two
- stopped at the local Sentry. Betty went into the store while Kevin waited in
- the
- car. He noticed that the light was still there, so taped it again. Jeffery
- Sainio
- , MUFON Staff Photoanalyst, felt that the strobing of the light captured by
- Kevin
- on video was of an unusual nature. He ruled out the possibility of it being
- fire
- crackers, airplane, and considered it unconventional. He now feels that there
- isn
- 't enough on the video to either eliminate it or to say unequivically that it
- sho
- ws a UFO. I feel that due to the unusual circumstances of the sighting that it
- is
- likely that Kevin Crump and Betty Barnick witnessed a UFO and then attempted
- to
- video-tape it somewhat successfully.
- Beyond the original tape Kevin made, there have been multiple
- witnesses of UFOs
- in the Ft. Atkinson area, and strange creature sightings have occurred near
- there
- as well. Kevin has taken much more footage of nocturnal lights, some of it
- clear
- ly showing a triangular light display. We are being kept informed of all that
- is
- happening there.
- The last report of a triangular UFO just came. It involves a seven
- year old boy
- who saw a black triangular craft with lights on each of the points, it was
- perhap
- s 100 feet in length. It projected a white beam of light and vanished in an
- insta
- nt. This happened in the city of Milwaukee during early February (?) and was
- inve
- stigated by Don Schmitt, who has the details. This sighting has left the boy
- badl
- y shaken and has affected his relationship with other, more skeptical children.
- Why people in SE Wisconsin began witnessing UFOs from December
- until
- the present remains unknown. Perhaps we were watching the sky more, because
- Venu
- s was so prominent. The fact is that objects, not just lights were observed.
- Ther
- e may be natural explanations for these events, or not. Known abductees in our
- ar
- ea reported increased abductions in January, February, March and April 1993.
- In J
- anuary a farmer and his grandson saw what he described as "three machines"
- hoveri
- ng next to a fence across the road from his property. The took off, flew in an
- ar
- c between his barn, silo and some trees. Hallucination? The planet Venus? An
- unkn
- own aspect of human psychological make-up? A spiritual phenomena? Actual
- crafts f
- rom other worlds? Nobody has a clear picture of what these reports mean to
- humani
- ty. One thing is clear, however, UFOs are being reported and must be accepted
- by
- researchers as real experiences. UFO events demand scientific analysis and not
- sk
- eptical derision. Events which leave both physical and mental scarring on
- humans
- and other species must be taken seriously and not treated in a tongue in cheek
- manner.
- c Charles Goldman
- From alt.paranet.ufo Mon Dec 4 09:06:40 1995
- From: pleadian@aol.com (Pleadian)
- I would appreciate any information anyone might have on this.
- I understand that a Triangular shaped UFO was sighted at a football game
- during halftime at a Military installation in Colorado. The Blue Angel
- jet squadron was supposed to perform, but instead the crowd was treated to
- something quite different. The triangular shaped craft was in the stadium
- for about 2 minutes and hovered about 200 feet off the ground.
- If this is true the implications are staggering in lew of the fact that I
- understand that there is a potential for quite a bit of GOOD video out of
- this sighting.
- I haerd this froma friend who was traveling through Colorado around the
- time this event supposedlt happened. However, I also understand that
- there has been no media coverage of this event. But, since it purportedly
- happened at a militaru sight that may be the reason.
- From alt.paranet.ufo Mon Dec 4 09:07:30 1995
- From: hollisth@34ccs.tinker.af.mil (Howard D. Hollister)
- Subject: UFO Sighting in Somalia
- At this time I am stationed at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, and have been
- overseas some 8 plus years in the Air Force. The report below is a
- little old and since Somalia has been devastated due to the civil war
- it will be imposible to contact anyone in that country with knowledge
- on the sighting of February 1982. During the time I have been
- stationed here at Tinker I have submitted my UFO reports to
- CUFO and MUFON through Mr. John Timmerman and Raymond
- Fowler.
- Two original text messages follow
- February 23, 1986
- NICAP 3535 University Blvd
- W. Suite 23, Kensigton
- Md, 20795
- UFO Sighting in Somalia
- Gentlemen
- While attending tech school at Keesler AFB MS in the fall of 1985 I
- met the acquaintance of a Major Farah Warsame of the Somalian Army.
- At the time he was undergoing retraining on radar theory and practice
- involving american equipment. He was worked with radar many years,
- but was trained up until recently on Russian equipment, and having
- lived in the U.S.S.R. for three years, has become familiar with
- various types of aircraft.
- It is due to his prior Airforce background and radar experience, which
- I believe lends great credibility to Major Warsame as a rational
- observer of aerial phenomena. Enclosed you will find his report of
- UFO's he and several officers sighted on february 15, 1982. A map
- provided in the base library helped greatly in ascertaining accurate
- latitude and longitude of the sighting.
- To comment briefly on the character of Major Warsame, he is married
- and has a family, is of high moral mettle and integrity, and would
- have nothing to gain publicity wise in releasing such a report. In
- fact the only report and interview of this account a cirvis in nature
- have only been by his government and myself. Fortunately Somalia does
- not share the paranoia surrounding UFO's unlike the U.S./U.S.S.R., and
- subsequently there exist no JANAP 146 to violate in the release of
- such data. Perhaps the most significant aspect in the report is
- further evidence of alien mother ships.
- I have written Major Warsame recently of my intention of mailing a
- copy of the report to NICAP, and that your agency might request a
- formal interview. I have just received a letter from him with his
- consent to an interview. By the end of March he will be completing
- tech school, so I would encourage NICAP to reach him as soon as
- possible. His add: PSC-2 box 11633 KAFB, MS 39534, base phone
- 435-3413.
- In conclusion I hope this information proves helpful to your research,
- my best wishes to NICAP and look forward to hearing from your office
- soon.
- Sincerely yours
- Howard D. Hollister, USAF
- Enclosure
- On February 15 1982 at 2000 hr three members of the Somalian Army
- while towing Radar equipment en route to capital from Galkayo at 7
- deg North lat 47 deg East long did spot a long shaped UFO traveling in
- a Northeastern direction from the Southwest.
- It appeared very long like a train flying in the sky. Light could be
- seen out of windows on the UFO, but could not be counted. Captain
- Mohamed Farah Warsame estimates its length to be 500 meters. While
- the three soldiers observed the UFO approaching Galkayo some 30 kil
- away the UFO split apart into three vessels. One went to the North,
- the Northeast and the third Southeast, at a speed in excess of Mach 1
- or 1000 kil per hour. That same evening other officers from Lugh
- Ganane 3 deg North lat 43 deg East long reported same sighting.
- Dated December 9, l985
- End of report, nothing follows
- From alt.ufo.reports Tue Dec 5 09:30:50 1995
- From: chryse@mail.telepac.pt (chryse)
- Subject: UFO in Portugal
- I'm posting to say that in 20th November I watched 3 strange objects in the
- sky.
- The bigger one had a Triangular shape, and it had a body, It wasn't only
- light.
- The other 2 were similar but smaller or were farther away, I don't know.
- This happened at 22:30 in Vale de MilhaĻos, Near Lisbon, In Portugal.
- Two more people watched this.
- The objects passed very quickly across the sky from NE to SW.
- When I lost it from my sight, it got a lot more luminous, about mag -4, kind
- of.
- It was pretty odd, before they appeared my light bulb from the street got off,
- and adter it disappeared it came back. There were more light bulbs in the
- street but this dind't happened to them.
- Propably an amazing coincidence.
- From alt.ufo.reports Wed Dec 6 14:48:46 1995
- From: jmestes@newsletter.pdial.interpath.net (Jonathan M. Estes)
- Subject: 10 years ago in Bolivia
- Has anyone experienced or heard of recent sightings (within the last 10
- years) in Andean Regions of Bolivia? While hiking high on the Altiplano
- in Bolivia 10 years ago this January, I witnessed a dazzling display of
- bright, laser-like lights shooting up at the sky behind a bluff nearly two
- miles away late at night with a group of Quechua-speaking indigenous
- farmers. When I asked them what it was they smiled and refused to tell
- me. After insisting for them to tell me what I was seeing they explained
- it came from up there, pointing at the night sky. "Military?" I asked,
- knowing that the U.S. were present in Bolivia. The Bolivians shook their
- heads and pointed to the sky again. I nervously followed my companions
- back to our sleeping quarters--a half hour hike down the bluff we were
- standing on in the pitch dark of night. The name of the bluff is
- Misquipampa, outside of Cochabamba, Bolivia.
- From randy@aifp.com Fri Dec 8 16:03:56 1995
- Subject: News Flash From UFOIA Int'l
- ***********************HOT News Flash*****************************
- (Unidentified Flying Objects Investigation Agency. International)
- Subj: UFO Sighting in Oshkosh, Wisconsin
- SIT Report
- Here are the sighting details. I interviewed two Wisconsin
- users two weeks ago right there in the Sightings chat room.
- The UFO was seen Wednesday night, November 2, 1995, about
- five miles west of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The object was airborne,
- cigar-shaped with a bright white light in the front and a fainter
- white light at the rear. Two guys driving west on Highway 21 saw
- the UFO. They said it was flying north at a slow rate of speed,
- heading for Lake Butte des Morts. As it passed in front of their car,
- the UFO showed small flashing gold, green and red lights on the bottom.
- The witnesses pulled off the highway and telephoned the Oshkosh P.D.
- However, two homeowners living in that area had just phoned the police
- department minutes before, reporting the UFO's overflight.
- The sighting was written up in the local Oshkosh daily newspaper on
- Thursday, November 3, 1995.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Randolph B Warneke
- Director of Operations
- UFOIA International
- From alt.ufo.reports Sat Dec 16 14:38:02 1995
- From: Twan van Gestel <dsntvge@dsnsun.ericsson.se>
- Subject: UFO? over Holland
- Date: 15 Dec 1995 09:16:11 GMT
- Although there is a lot of junk on the group I couldn't find any
- better.
- Last night about 02:30 I heared a loud noise flying over my house.
- It sounded as large object cutting through the air with high speed.
- When it approched I didn't hear any engine sound. When it flew
- away from me I could hear a weak humming sound. This all took about
- 3 seconds. It must have been very fast because after 3 seconds I
- couldn't hear it while the sound was as loud as a storm (only the high tones)
- when it was at it loudest. This all happend in GOIRLE, THE NETHERALNDS, close
- to the Belgium border.
- Anyone had the same experiance? Any reports like mine?
- Regards, Twan.
- PS. This is serious!!!
- From alt.ufo.reports Mon Dec 18 13:23:52 1995
- From: ksdzn@aol.com (KS DZN)
- Subject: Anomalous Object Seen-San Francisco Peninsula 10/30/95
- Date: 16 Dec 1995 22:29:21 -0500
- This is a report of something I saw on 10/30/95. Please reply if you have
- seen a similar event.
- It was August 30th, and I was hiking in the
- hills above Los Altos. I was at the summit of a hill (approx. 1000ft.) The
- time was about 8 p.m., and it was starting to grow dark. At the summit, I
- looked north towards the hills near Page Mill & 280, and saw what seemed
- to be the lights of three light aircraft converging on a point west of the
- radio telescope. They were at a distance of about three miles from this
- point of convergence at speeds that seemed normal for small aircraft.
- Their headings
- were approx 315, 120, and 240 degrees. I saw these craft as diffuse,
- yellow lights, and I distinctly remember there were no other colored or
- flashing lights accompanying these objects. I thought it was odd for
- these three planes to follow a somewhat risky course, so I decided to keep
- my eye on them. I looked again about 30 seconds later and noticed that
- their distance was closing. Their bearings seemed the same, and their
- distance from each
- other was halved. I took note of this and decided to look that way again.
- Another 30 seconds passed, and I looked northward to see approximately 6
- or 7 lights flying near the point of convergence in what appeared to be
- circular paths independent of the others. My first impression is that it
- was a "swarming" motion, although each object appeared to hold their
- altitude. In my judgement, the speed of this swarming motion varied from
- private-plane speeds to those I normally associate with fighter aircraft.
- These 6 or 7 lights were reddish, slightly smaller than the initial three,
- and judging from their position relative to the nearby hills, I would
- guess their altitude was around 1000-1500 feet.
- From alt.ufo.reports Sat Dec 30 15:41:08 1995
- From: podd001@pn.itnet.it (mario podda)
- Subject: ufo sight in la spezia italy
- On thursday 15 dec. 1995 an ufo has been sighten in LA SPEZIA north
- Around 10.30 pm. CET something like a big building with light all
- around has been seen from three guys travelling along the road.
- One of this guys declare that this flying thing was doing something
- like manouvering for landing when suddenly dissapear westbound.
- After all a bright trail is remain in the sky for almost an hour.
- The electric power has gone off in the same hour around the area for
- about 30 miles.
- For more particular the sunday 17 dec. issue of IL SECOLO XIX report
- the complete event.
- From alt.paranet.ufo Tue Jan 2 09:16:05 1996
- From: Brian Zeiler <bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu>
- Subject: Huge UFO incident in South Korea
- Date: 2 Jan 1996 02:06:19 GMT
- Agence France Presse
- December 31, 1995 05:04 Eastern Time
- SECTION: International news
- LENGTH: 187 words
- HEADLINE: Flying saucer detected glowing in sky over SKorean city
- A doughnut-shaped "flying saucer" glowed for an hour over a provincial
- city park Saturday night, attracting a crowd of awed onlookers and cameramen,
- news reports said Sunday.
- The strange object emitted a wave of luminous red light from its center
- and moved slowly and soundlessly over a hilly park in the southern city of
- Taegu, Yonhap news agency said.
- Television and radio stations were swamped with telephone calls by
- witnesses who claimed it was an unidentified flying object (UFO, Yonhap said.
- An air force surveillance team in the city also saw the glowing saucer
- through binoculars but failed to detect it on a radar screen, it said.
- Many people in the city were reported to have photographed the saucer.
- From alt.paranet.ufo Thu Jan 4 08:50:42 1996
- From: Brian Zeiler <bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu>
- Subject: UFO incident in China over past weekend
- Scottish Daily Record & Sunday Mail Ltd.
- Sunday Mail
- December 31, 1995, Sunday
- SECTION: Page 3
- LENGTH: 147 words
- Pilots of four aircraft report UFO sightings over North East China
- The pilots of four aircraft reported UFO sightings over North East
- China, it was revealed yesterday.
- The captain of an internal flight to Beijing on December 4 radioed that
- he could see "a white oval object travelling at about 550mph." He later
- reported that it "turned green and followed the aeroplane's flight path."
- Within minutes,the captain of another airliner reported seeing the same
- thing, and two others spotted red or yellow UFOs.
- From alt.ufo.reports Mon Jan 8 09:14:07 1996
- From: dl63832@ltec.net (No Quarter)
- Subject: UFO Sighting?
- Hello all. This is my first post this group. I just wanted to relay a
- possible UFO sighting I had in the spring of 1995. Before I tell my
- story I just want to make it clear that I ain't one of them people whose
- heads are in the clouds always looking for something odd. I'm your
- average small town Joe who works at a factory for a living. I don't
- smoke, drink, take drugs or nothing like that. The following incident
- was witnessed by my brother who was with me at the time. Also there is
- an airport in this town of 13,000 people and Offut AFB lays 100 miles
- north of me in Omaha, NE.
- I was on the edge of town town towards dusk. It was about 7:30,
- the sun had already set and things were getting dark fast. I was
- 2 miles due south of the runway when I spotted a bright light, much
- like the bright light you see on the front of a small airplane which
- pilots use to be able to see at night. Anyway, as this light approached
- from the south, I stopped my Suburban and got out to watch. I just
- figured it was an airplane so my brother and I wanted to watch it as it
- flew overhead. But as it got closer, I never heard any prop noise or
- nothing. All I heard was the same noise you hear when a passenger jet
- flies over at night at high altitude. It is kind of the distant low
- hollow hissing noise you hear. But the light was VERY bright as if it
- was a Cessna or small craft approaching the strip at about 700 ft up.
- As it proceeded to fly north and fly overhead of me and my brother, I
- couldn't believe what I was seeing and got a chill down my spine. I
- tried to reason or rationalize what it could possibly be and to this
- day I don't know what it could have been. In describing this object
- to others I have been told that it could have been a refueler fueling up
- or simply a jet at low altitude. In a minute I will describe this object
- and attempt to draw an ASCII picture of it. But what spooked me is that
- the total surface area of this diamond shaped object was HUGE. The
- sound did not match it size. For example, if it was flying as high as
- a passenger jet (as the sound of it indicated), it's total surface area
- would have covered the same amount of space as 5 or 6 passenger jets AT
- THAT ALTITUDE. However, it seemed to me that it was much lower and as it
- flew overhead it just seemed so close...like only 1500 feet above the
- ground or even lower. But at that low of an altitude, I should have heard
- a definite jet engine roar that was loud. I simply did not.
- The object had a diamond shape and weird lights of which I have never
- seen on any craft. As this thing flew overhead, the stars were out and
- used them to get a fix on the shape of the craft. I thought maybe at
- first I was seeing an airplane so I tried to see if stars would show
- through areas where there wasn't part of the craft. All be danged if
- time and time again, it was definitely diamond shape and my brother
- noticed this too. Here is my drawing of it as viewed from the ground.
- ++
- /\
- / \ N
- / \ E W
- / \ S
- / \
- / \
- / \
- / \
- / B \
- o/ \o
- \_ | | | | | | | _/
- \_ _/
- \_ B _/
- \_ _/
- \__/
- ..
- As viewed here, this would be the bottom of the craft as it flew north.
- The vertical lines appeared like they were actual slits cut into the
- craft and were lighted from within by a pretty iridescent blue...much like
- the color of an indiglo watch. I also remember that the lights
- on the sides (where you see the "o"'s) were not in standard aircraft
- lighting with the green on the right and red on the left. They were both
- white steady lights. The light on the rear (..) was a steady red light
- and the light on front (++) was a steady white light. Unfortunately,
- I can't remember where the flashing beacon light was. It was in either one
- of the locales marked with the letter "B". As it passed overhead it was
- moving at the same speed a passenger jet would apparently be moving as
- viewed from the ground while at cruising altitude. Like I stated before,
- if it was actually that high up, it would have had to have been a LARGE
- craft - enough to eat up the surface area of 5 or 6 passenger jets. But
- it seemed to me that it was at lower altitudes. Maybe even as low as
- 1,000 feet but it was very quiet. Things just didn't add up when I saw
- it.
- After it passed us by, we jumped in the Suburban and drove about a mile
- north at about 60 MPH, but by the time we ran out of road, it looked as
- though it had already sped up and I would approximate it had covered
- about 5 to 9 miles on us based upon the comparison of the lights I
- can see from a small town about 9 miles north and to the east of where I
- was at.
- After this incident, I retraced the path it flew in the sky and it had made
- a big graceful curve like this (barring ascii limitations):
- Direction of travel ----> W Dead end
- _______________ ___
- _About_2_miles| ________/
- __ | | /
- \___ | | ____/
- \___ | | _/
- Path of \___ | | _/
- the craft \___ ___________| |______/______
- \_ ___________ ____/_______ _______
- S \________________| |__/ | N
- | | |_______
- | *-I was here
- | | Runway
- | |
- | |
- E
- It almost seemed to me that it lined up with the runway just so I
- could "see" it and then went on its merry way. This is a terrible
- picture and is not to scale but it helps you to visualize what
- happened.
- As an addendum to the story, my other brother showed me an article
- in the December 1991 Popular Mechanics and on page 35 is almost an
- exact representation of what I saw except note what differences there
- are between this Top Secret craft and my descrips. There are still some
- discrepancies.
- The craft did appear to be black, much like the SR-71 but it could
- have been any shade of a dark color. It sure wasn't white - I'm
- positive on that.
- I know I'll get called a nut but my story is consistant everytime I tell
- it. I know what I saw and I will never forget it.
- From alt.paranet.abduct Tue Jan 9 09:06:42 1996
- From: franki <franki@music-network.com>
- Subject: Re: UFO over Korean city on 31st Dec
- wsawers@ihug.co.nz wrote:
- > HEADLINE: Flying saucer detected glowing in sky over SKorean city
- > A doughnut-shaped "flying saucer" glowed for an hour over a
- > provincial
- > city park Saturday night, attracting a crowd of awed onlookers and
- > cameramen,
- Date: Tue, 9 Jan 1996 10:39:00 -0800
- From: David Schmitz <schmitz@BEST.COM>
- To: Multiple recipients of list IUFOG-L <IUFOG-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM>
- Subject: I saw 2 U.F.O.'s (fwd)
- On September 25, 1995, on northbound 395, at about 8:30 in the morning about
- 15 miles south of a desert town called Johanesberg (spelling it not right).
- Me and a friend were going to Yosemite from San Diego. The weather was
- clear with low clouds (kind of streaky with some billow on top) blue sky. I
- was traveling in an area with no where to turn off, the shoulder was very
- narrow and we were on a slight incline. I was going about 80 mph when my
- friend pointed up to the sky on the left. I leaned forward and looked out
- the windshield and saw two luminescent disks in the sky. I could not believe
- it. There was a car about 20 car lengths ahead and we wondered if they saw
- the U.F.O.'s too. Apparently not. I slowed by speed to 15 mph so I could
- watch glimpsing in the rear view mirror worried I would be rearended, but
- nobody is there as far as I can see. We watch the U.F.O.'s...The one on top
- in the formation darts to the right at an incredible speed and stops,
- instantly. The other one mirrors the move from the underneath position, like
- a game of tag. The top U.F.O. now darts down at an angle to the point of a
- triangle and again, its friend follows. The lead U.F.O. then darts at an
- angle like a V completing the triangle and again the other follows. The lead
- U.F.O. darts again and incredible speed to the right again on a path parallel
- to the earth. It's funny when the objects are still in a hover position they
- appear to be disks. But when they move the elongate and take on a more
- triangular shape. The lead U.F.O. hovers under the clouds, it appears to
- change shape from a disk to a sphere...then it shoots up into the clouds. I
- could see vapor wafting off the craft as the clouds part as the U.F.O.
- accelerates. Its friend followed without the hover maneuver. I know what I
- saw was not an hallucintation, my friend saw the U.F.O.'s too. If fact she
- saw them first. We know these objects were not planes or jets or
- hellicopters or balloons or anything we had ever seen. It bothers me that I
- do not know what they were. Edwards Air Force Base is out there as is China
- Lake and some other military facilities. But it is hard for me to believe
- that our military has the technology to make an object in the sky move like
- these objects. If they do, they should be sharing the information we the
- public. I really wish I knew.
- --
- From alt.paranet.ufo Thu Jan 11 09:19:45 1996
- From: Brian Zeiler <bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu>
- Subject: Colorado Springs newspaper article on UFO sightings in area
- I got this on a mailing list and thought it was interesting enough to
- post. The sighting by the two women is particularly interesting. This
- article ran in a Colorado Springs newspaper on January 7.
- Bizarre occurrences part of area's folklore
- By D'Arcy Fallon/Gazette Telegraph
- Brandy Edwards, 6, was playing In her yard, looking to the sky for rain, last
- August 27 when she told her father to look up. Tim Edwards then took videos
- of an object hovering overhead. Life as he knew It changed for Tim Edwards
- after seeing and videotaping what many believe is a UFO. Since then, the cafe
- owner from Salida has been nervous and jumpy, looking at the heavens for
- other sightings. "There are so many weird things up here," he says.
- On Sept. 23, Jeanne Shaw and her sister Loni Smith saw what they call a
- "mothership," the size of a football field going by a window at Shaw's home
- near La Veta. Shaw's children also saw the UFO, as did others in the area.
- SAN LUIS VALLEY -- Tim Edwards is a jumpy man these days.
- Some might say he's an ordinary guy reacting to an extraordinary experience.
- Others might say he's seen too many "Twilight Zone" reruns.
- Puffing nervously on a Marlboro, Edwards, binoculars around his neck, paces
- back and forth on the front lawn of his Salida home and gestures to the
- mountains above him. Up there. He gazes at the sky with palpable longing.
- "There are so many weird things up here," says Edwards, 42, a quiet man who
- runs a popular family care with his wife and father.
- Edwards swears he saw a UFO in August from his back yard, and he's still
- shaken up about it.
- "I don't look outside no more. I don't get no sleep."
- He's probably not alone.
- Over the years, several people in the San Luis Valley claim they've seen
- Bigfoot, cattle mutilations, glowing fireballs, and yes, oddly shaped UFOs
- and "mother ships" that twist and dart across the night sky.
- Residents of this sweeping, semiarid expanse of pinon and rabbitbrush say
- this is a mysterious place of sacred mountains and bubbling hot springs, of
- oddly-placed sand dunes, lush meadows and some of the richest soil in the
- country.
- At an average elevation of 7,600 feet -- more than a mile and a half above
- sea level -- the San Luis Valley is the highest and largest alpine valley in
- the world. Three times the size of Delaware and flanked by the Sangre de
- Cristo and San Juan mountains, the valley is home to a diverse group: yuppie
- stargazers, hardscrabble alfalfa farmers, sheep ranchers, folk artists,
- Guatemalan refugees and descendants of original settlers of the Sangre de
- Cristo land grant, who came from Mexico.
- Steeped in history and folklore. the San Luis Valley has long been a UFO
- hotbed. As long ago as 1917, the residents of Salida told of mysterious
- "vehicles of the air" flying about the night sky, according to a 78-year-old
- edition of The Salida Record.
- The valley "is one of the most sacred areas in North America to the
- indigenous people," said UFO expert Christopher O'Brien, who lives in the
- tiny, New Age hamlet of Crestone and tracks the valley's UFO activity in a
- bi-monthly newsletter, "The Mysterious Valley Report."
- (He also is the author of "The Mysterious Valley," due out this summer from
- St. Martin's Press.)
- Many American Indians considered the valley's Mount Blanca to be the Sacred
- Mountain of the East -- a door- way for the emergence of the Star People,
- often described as "arriving aboard flying seedpods," according to an article
- in Spirit magazine, which is New Age oriented.
- But Tim Edwards says he didn't see a flying seedpod on Aug. 27. He describes
- it as a silver cigar-shaped spacecraft.
- Like Richard Dreyfuss in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," Edwards exudes
- an aura of nervous intensity as he talks about the sighting.
- It happened on a Sunday morning when Edwards was working outside on his house
- with his daughter, Brandy, 6, at his side. Brandy, worried that it might
- rain, looked upward and said, "Daddy, there's something up there in the sky,"
- Edwards recounted last week.
- He brushed off his daughter's comments, but when she kept insisting he look
- up, Edwards said he realized she was right.
- There was something in the sky. The Wasson High School graduate grabbed his
- video camera and for more than a hour shot footage of the disc shaped or
- cigar-shaped object. It had oscillating lights that appeared to rotate from
- left to right, and it darted back and forth just above the morning sun.
- During subsequent sightings, Edwards shot videotapes showing small, white
- spheres emerging from the object. Edwards' first tape was shown in November
- on "Sightings," a TV show about UFOs and other strange phenomenon, and was
- analyzed by Village Labs, a digital video technology company in Tempe, Ariz.
- Village Labs president Jim Dilettoso said the tape wasn't a hoax or an optic
- aberration. He said it appeared to contain legitimate footage of a very
- large, solid, possibly three-dimensional object flying at high altitude.
- Whether one believes Edwards saw a UFO or simply an odd-looking plane, he
- swears he's a changed man.
- "They put some feelings in me I've never had before," he said. "When I was
- looking at the main craft, I got, like, an electrical impulse through my
- body. It was very important for the world to know the truth. Now I'm
- convinced we're not alone."
- The UFOs are buzzing the Earth because they're concerned about its
- inhabitants, much like humans are curious about whales and dolphins, said
- Edwards.
- And how should earthlings respond?
- With "brotherhood, universal love, and get rid of the nuclear stuff," Edwards
- said.
- "Not since Jesus was here has something so major come down," he added. "Most
- people are terrified that something could be out there." Or fascinated.
- On the eastern edge of the huge valley, on a windswept hillside near La Veta,
- two sisters, Jeanne Shaw, 49, and Loni Smith, 53, talked about their cosmic
- encounter.
- Before launching into her side of the story, Shaw explained she had always
- seen herself as "a bit of a skeptic" when it came to the paranormal. "Just
- because I see a little light in the sky, doesn't mean it's a UFO," she said.
- Shaw's sister, a property manager in La Veta, is the same way. In fact,
- neither of the sisters -- who grew up in Colorado Springs -- seemed quick to
- jump on the UFO bandwagon. And yet both are unshakeable in their explanation
- about what they saw one night this past fall.
- It wasn't a Black Hawk helicopter, as the Walsenburg police suggested to them
- when they phoned in alarm. Not a plane. Not a dream or an hallucination. It
- was a UFO.
- Here's their story: On Sept. 23, about 8:15 p.m., as Shaw, her two children
- and Smith sat at the kitchen table after dinner, they heard a strange humming
- outside their mobile home in the Navajo Ranch Resorts subdivision, located
- between La Veta and Walsenburg.
- "I heard, no, felt this humming noise," said Shaw, who moved to the La Veta
- area last spring after she got tired of life in Denver. "I felt something
- huge coming up the back of my lot."
- Smith: "It was a vibration, although the windows weren't rattling."
- They looked out the window and say they saw a slow-moving, rectangular-shaped
- spacecraft skimming the tops of the pinon trees. It had yellow and white
- oscillating lights in front and two red lights in the back, like a
- Cadillac's. They estimated it was as wide and long as a football field. Shaw:
- "It was huge."
- Smith: "It was monstrous. It was the mother ship."
- The sisters' words leapfrogged over each other as they attempt to explain
- their reactions to the sighting.
- Tumbling out of the mobile home, they stared, incredulous at the thing.
- Smith: "Our mouths were open to our navels. I felt like I was looking up at
- the bottom of a barge."
- Shaw: "My knees buckled. I screamed. It was in our face."
- As the object slowly moved away from them, Smith waved her arms after it,
- yelling, "Here we are! Here we are!"
- Shaw, petrified, slugged her sister on the arm. "Shut up!" she said. "They'll
- beam us up!"
- Shaw's son, Robert, 27, ran behind the spacecraft as it flew down the arroyo,
- trying to catch up with it. Shaw estimates it took about 20 minutes before it
- disappeared.
- Two miles away in the subdivision, another resident, Joan Newland, was
- getting ready for bed. She, too, heard a low humming noise and figured it was
- a helicopter. But the sound persisted, and her dogs were going wild.
- She looked out the window and gasped. Like Shaw, her knees buckled.
- "It was huge. I saw it going over the trees. It was a shock to see something
- that big. I thought, holy..., what is that?"
- Shaken and frightened, Newland decided to keep her observation to herself.
- Then she got a call from Shaw, asking if she'd seen something strange out her
- window. The women compared notes and decided it must have been a UFO.
- "What else could it have been'?" asked Newland plaintively. "There's nothing
- that could fly that low without making any draft or wind."
- Since that night, neither Newland nor Shaw has seen the spacecraft. Not that
- they've stopped looking.
- Newland: "We keep our eyes to the sky now."
- Shaw: "Only about 20 times a night."
- From alt.paranet.ufo Wed Jan 31 08:53:49 1996
- From: webcreat@internorth.com (Darkseid)
- Subject: Can anyone identify this?
- from "ELDER SEES MYSTER LIGHTS" - UFO sightings abound across Western NWT
- by P.J. Harston
- Deh Cho Drum (Fort Simpson) - January 11, 1996
- On Nov.13, just after 5 p.m., he and an eight-year old boy were driving out of
- Fort Simpson toward the Wild Rose Acres, subdivision when they both spotted what
- he first thought was the red light of a radio tower. "But we could see
- the radio
- tower lights and this one wasn't part of it," Norwegian said. The light hovered
- in one spot over the Mackenzie River and began to change color: red, then blue,
- then a bright white, flashing green and then red again. After about a
- minute and
- a half, the light sped away faster than any aircraft he had ever seen
- before - so
- fast, it left a trail of brilliant light behind it. "At first, I thought it
- might be a plane or helicopter, but then I knew it couldn't be because it went
- away so fast and because the colours of lights changed," Norwegian said.
- Anyone have any idea what this could be?
- From alt.paranet.ufo Tue Feb 6 09:58:19 1996
- From: mrbungl111@aol.com (MrBungl111)
- Subject: Re: UFOs Blamed For Blasts- Reuter Report
- In article: <4epdo5$ah4@central.co.nz> Geoff Blackmore writes:
- > UFOs Blamed For Blasts
- > Reuter Hargeisa, Somalia
- > Doug Roberts <doug@nolimits.demon.co.uk>
- >Any date for this report?
- >Doug.
- "a frightening thunder-like noise" was heard in the Sanaag, Berbera and
- Sol regions at 7 a.m. on December 5 and 7 p.m. on December 7.
- From alt.ufo.reports Tue Feb 6 10:00:56 1996
- From: lboros@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Laszlo G. Boros)
- Subject: Summer in Ithaca New York!
- I am writing this not because I am a UFO believer but because you might be
- able to help me with my "sigthing" over Ithaca, New York, this Summer.
- My girlfriend (she believes in OFUs I am not) and I went to swim in one of the
- reservoires around Ithaca this Summer. (I just found this group, so I will
- try to post this.) After swimming, we were sitting in the dark (around 9:30
- PM) and I saw something flying? jumping? on the sky not too far, about a half
- a mile away over the mountains. It took about 10 jumps and this thing got
- behind a bigger mountain. No noise, just orange light and circle shape on the
- bottom (I did not see the top). I am pretty sure this was not an airplane and
- it did not use air for its support in moving. I studied physics and I know
- how airplanes fly, they need continuous speed and airflow over their wings to
- produce power (pressure difference, Bernoulli law) over the wings. No when
- this thing stopped between jumps I do not think such a power existed to
- support its weight. If it was a helicopter, there should have been
- acceleration and slow down between jumps, now in this case, it was more like a
- frog jumping right forward (not upward and forward) in the air. The most
- suprising thing I've seen in my life. Did you guys see anyhting similar to
- this?
- I am not a UFO maniac and I was not on the crave to see one. Actually I had a
- happy life without them. Thanks, Laszlo Boros
- From alt.ufo.reports Tue Feb 6 10:01:25 1996
- From: mdavies@mail.bogo.co.uk (Mark Kevin Davies)
- Subject: UFO sighted over Manchester Airport
- Did anyone else see the report on the front page of the Times (Friday
- 2nd February 1996)concerning the two pilots of a British Airway's 737
- who reported seeing a wedge shape craft covered in white lights with a
- black stripe down the side.This craft came so close to their plane
- that the first officer ducked thinking it was going to collide with
- them.This event occurred last January (1995) the C.A.A investigated
- and could not find any logical explanation.The pilots reported the
- sighting at the time but air traffic control did not see anything on
- the radar. This is the fourth such incident in recent years.Credit to
- the pilots for coming forward and relating their story.
- From alt.paranet.ufo Fri Feb 9 09:14:29 1996
- From: mc9021@mclink.it (Paris Cristiano)
- Subject: Strange Flying Object in Rome
- Hi everyone,
- this is my first posting on this group... I want to tell you about
- something happened to me...
- Some months ago, I was walking with my girlfriend and her brother on a
- famous road of Rome : via Appia Antica. There is a military airport
- close to that road. Suddenly, my attention was caught from a deep-blue
- sphere moving in the sky...
- I thought it was a meterological baloon... anyway it stopped in the
- sky, and, after ten seconds, it began moving on the left quickly...
- very quickly !
- After a couple of seconds, I've seen a pair of military helicopters
- going inthe same way !
- Keep in mind the the sphere was totally dull, and I've seen no
- external mechanisms... in addition, keep in mind that my girlfriend
- and her brother saw the same things...
- I've never believed to things like humanoid aliens or UFO and so on
- (even if I like X-FILES series very much)... I've always believed that
- the first alien form of life we will encounter will be a simple
- organism, such like a cell or a virus...
- But what I've seen is stunning ! The question is : is that a UFO or a
- new military air unit ?
- From: watanabe@acs.ucalgary.ca (AUFORA News Update)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.paranet.abduct,alt.ufo.research,alt.ufo.reports,sci.astro
- Subject: AUFORA Update 02.10.96
- Date: Sat, 10 Feb 1996 19:02:42 -0700
- *Somaliland Officials Frightened by UFO, request help
- Government officials in the self-declared republic of Somaliland have
- appealed for help from the international community in solving an
- incident on December 5 and 7, 1995, in which two UFOs were seen to explode
- over the Gulf of Aden. Soon after the sightings, many of the local
- inhabitants came down with medical ailments such as coughing, diarrhea,
- respiratory difficulties, and headaches. Children were reportedly the
- worst affected, with a number dying of their ailments. Animals were seen
- running out of control shortly after the sightings. As of yet, no debris
- from the exploded objects has been found.
- From alt.paranet.ufo Tue Feb 13 09:46:04 1996
- From: mrbungl111@aol.com (MrBungl111)
- Subject: Newest Australian sightings!!
- Date: 11 Feb 1996 04:55:39 -0500
- Latest near bottom:
- Peacemaker Project
- National UFO Report and sightings
- Hotline
- PO Box 1249 Narre Warren 3805
- Australia.
- Ross Dowe
- PH 190 2243529
- Sightings of interest.
- 30th December 1995 02.15 Am Local time Melrose South Australia.
- Respondent caller reports sighting of a large white light object
- travelling from East to West over Melrose district - South Australia at
- 2.15 am. The object crossed at 45 deg. in the northern sky and it
- appeared to "jump up and down", moved in a fashion which would be
- difficult for an conventional aircraft. The object was first sighted in
- the Eastern sky and was watched for about 20 min. until it disappeared
- over the North-west horizon. Respondent states, "there were no
- multi-colours, no sound just a huge bright white light, It was close
- enough to cast a shadow behind me. It was not a plane and there again we
- would have heard its engine".
- This service has received 1000's similar reports over the past year.
- A number of similar sightings have occurred on the line between Adelaide
- to Darwin.
- It is also interesting to see the recent reports from Timor, Japan,
- Korea and Eastern China when correlated with these local reports.
- 31st December 1995. Mulden Northern Territory 11.45 PM
- Respondent callers report sightings of "Four Orange light objects"
- travelling slowly over
- the Mulden area in the Northern Territory. The first sighting took
- place at (23:30) or 11.30 to 11.45 PM 31/12/95 then again some two
- hours latter at 1.45 AM 01/01/96 .
- Respondents report that these objects were "intense bright orange light
- objects" which travelled slowly, conducting various aerial formations
- then finally settling upon a triangular
- or diamond shape formation before moving out of sight.
- Sunday 7th Jan. 1996 8.20 PM local time. Central East Northern Territory
- A cattle station hand sighted in daylight a "battleship grey object
- "reportedly to be 100 ft W by 40 ft H with a box shape underneath - 25
- ft W by 6 ft H, while holding an altitude of about 130 feet. The top of
- the object seemed to be spinning exceedingly fast while the bottom was
- not moving, it emitted vapour and a smell like "steam off hot metal and
- there was a whirl wind or vortex underneath near wild livestock". The
- station hand an Ex Marine and UN force member, reported that he had
- taking photo's and noted that "the cattle and wild horses were transfixed
- to the object", thus quickly evacuated the area not before photographing
- the object.
- ( NT. Photos and soil samples received)
- 8th to 15th Jan 1996 calls from most parts of Australia.
- Tuesday 16th Jan. 1996 approx. 11:30 PM local time. Cairns, Queensland.
- Reports of an object about 2 Klm high emitting a shaft of light from its
- underside, the object
- appeared to "expel a gas or vapour from its sides and seemed to be
- about 2-300 meters in width, the beam emitted was about 150-250 meters
- wide".
- Reportedly the object moved up and down the white shaft of light in the
- East over the sea.
- Thursday 18th Jan 1996. approx. 10.30 local time Redland Bay, Queensland.
- HOTSPOT AREA. Over the past 18 Mths.
- Callers report sighting a "large green object" emitting a beam of white
- light downward in a
- "A- shape ". The object appeared to be "about 2-300 meters" across with
- the beam of light about 100 meters across to the East.
- Friday 19th Jan. 1996. 2:30 AM local time. Millnmeran, Queensland.
- Respondents caller witnessed a large object about 1-2 Klm away. South
- East East. The respondents report witnessing a 200mtr plus size -multi
- coloured object that emitted a beam of light about 1-200 mtrs wide, over
- a large creek in the area. The object appeared to be about 800 meters
- up.. A respondent claimed to be former UFO sceptics but now has changed
- their mind about the issues.
- Saturday 3rd Feb. 1996 approx. 10.45 PM local time Townsville Qld.
- (EST. 23:45)
- Callers report sighting two spinning orange fire lights in the south west
- sky of Townsville and watched for some 20 minutes before the objects
- headed to the north east of Townsville before shooting off in to the
- west. The objects looked like spinning flying fire in the sky.
- Saturday 3rd Feb. 1996 approx. 10.20 PM local time. Northern
- Territory (Est. 23:50)
- Two car loads of people unknown to each other, reported seeing a fast
- moving Orange soundless fireball light that came out of the northern of
- the sky. The fireball light suddenly stopped and remained still for
- sometime, it was low in the horizon when another similar fireball meet up
- with the first. They then both proceeded to head south slowly together.
- Saturday 3rd Feb. 1996 approx. 11.58 Emerald-Cockatoo Area Vic.
- (EST 23:58)
- A amateur astronomer reports to have sighted two fireballs appear to
- arise over the Telecom tower at Mt. Burnett near Cockatoo. The witness
- apparently was viewing the moon with a telescope, when a startling
- fizzing sound was heard. The loud sound was like an "unsealing bottle
- of lemonade". We turned to look and "Oh, that's when we saw two large
- round fire balls. They just appeared from nowhere, they were balled
- shape with an almost transparent appearance, the colours were what
- seemed like a fiery glaze, orange was the predominant colour or light
- source. The witness said "that they have never seen anything like this in
- 26 year of sky watching" and have no idea what they were. The witnesses
- went on to say that they will be there tomorrow night just in case the
- phenomenon reappears.
- Sunday 4th Feb. 1996 approx. 12.20 AM local time. Ferntree Gully Vic.
- (EST. 00:20)
- Callers report sighting two bright orange lights heading in unison
- towards the Melbourne city area. The witnesses claim that the objects
- seemed to be swirling around in a controlled fashion. One respondent
- claimed seeing a similar thing last Thursday over the Ferntree Gully
- area.
- Monday 5th Feb. 1996 Approx.: 10:40 PM Endeavour Hills, Melbourne.
- (EST.22:40)
- Witness reports sighting a Bright Amber light travelling on a North East
- heading over Melbourne eastern suburbs. The object was very bright and
- was thought to be at a high altitude, no sound heard.
- Monday 5th Feb. 1996 Approx: 10:50 PM local time Ringwood, Melbourne.
- (EST.22:50)
- Witnesses report sighting two Orange lights travelling over the Ringwood
- district . The objects were low in height, travelling about 50-80 knots
- on a West West North heading arising out of the southern Dandenongs
- district. As reported, one object stopped over the Orchard Park area
- whilst the other object continued, a short time later, the stopped
- object then moved off as if to catch up to other. No sound heard.
- Melbourne (Tul). Weather as @ 11:30, Slight Southerly (South to North)
- 12 Knot winds up to 3000 feet.
- Tuesday 6th Feb. 1996 Whiteside Brisbane Qld. Details yet unknown.
- Wednesday 7th Feb.1996 Approx: 9:30PM Turramurra Sydney. NSW (EST 21:30)
- A satellite size light was sighted tonight heading in a Southerly
- direction over Sydney.
- The object apparently stopped repeatedly and moved in a Zig- Zig fashion
- several times.
- The objects sudden change of directions were reported to be greater
- than 70 degrees,
- it was last seen heading South.
- Friday 9th Feb. 1996 Approx: 12.37 AM Local time Milton, Brisbane, Qld.
- (EST 0037)
- Respondent reports seeing a Large Cigar shaped - white light with a
- golden tail crossing the southern sky from west to east. The respondent
- at first thought it was an aeroplane on fire or in trouble. The object
- reportedly was about 10-15 Klm away, as large as 20 commercial aircraft
- or bigger, it was about 35 degrees up from the horizon and travelled far
- too slow and was seen too long a time to be a meteorite..
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From alt.ufo.reports Wed Feb 28 16:30:53 1996
- From: mcgyver@crow.cybercomm.net (McGyver)
- Subject: Red//Green Lights in N. NJ
- Last winter my husband and I were driving my son to see his father and
- we stopped off at a shopping center which had a McDonald's, for a
- soda. We went in. When we were getting our kids in the car, a light
- in the sky caught my eye. It was a red ball of light. It was moving
- over the treetops, from what I could tell, silently. It arched up and
- left. Right before it disappeared over (behind?) the trees - it
- turned green. I couldn't believe what I had just seen. The whole
- thing last all of about six seconds. It was incredible! I only told
- a couple of people, but I couldn't stop thinking about it. After a
- while I started to doubt what I had seen with my own eyes. Three days
- later there was a report on Ch. 4 news about red and green lights in
- the sky in upstate NY. It blew my mind. Unfortunately Ch.4 had no
- explanation of this phenom. Having doubted what I myself had
- witnessed, it's no wonder the general public thinks sighters are
- cracked. Has anyone seen these lights too. I'm aching for insight.
- To this day, one year later, I can't be a passenger in a car without
- spending the trip watching the night sky.